Find Your Perfect Camping Experience
Author:Olivia PenroseCamping in Hamilton County this summer
The Adirondack Experience is a wild and BIG region, encompassing some of the Adirondacks' most rugged backcountry, paired with its most incredible vistas and...
Summer Camping in Hamilton County
Camping by Myself as a Quadriplegic: The Pinnacle of Independence
I developed a love for nature at an early age. As a student at Paul Smith's College in the summer of ’92, I was introduced the lean-to lifestyle. Grab some food, sleeping bags, maybe a few...
Forked Lake Camping By Land and By Lake
Camping is one of the best ways to experience the natural beauty, serenity, and wildness of the Adirondacks. For many, it is also a cherished family tradition that brings back wonderful memories and...
The Perfect Camping Experience for Your Family
The snow is gone, there’s a warm breeze that has the whole family just itching to get outside, and that awesome camping gear that you got over the holidays is calling to you.
At long last, it’s time...
Canoe Camping on the Essex Chain Lakes
Author:Joan CollinsHeading into the newly opened Essex Chain Lakes Tract on a Sunday night with a mid-September forecast for 30 degrees should be a guarantee of solitude. It almost was. With only one other camping...
Family Camping 101
Author:Beth LomnitzerBoth of my kids went on their first camping trips rather early: aged 8 weeks and 5 weeks old. Since then we have done all types of camping: Car camping, boat camping, river camping, no-tent camping,...
Speculator Vacation
Author:RaChelle HosleyWhile we are quickly heading into spring, I've got sun and fun on my mind. I'm thinking summer and vacation! As I have lived in the Adirondacks my whole life, sometimes is can be difficult to see my...
Camping, Birding, and Exploring Along Horseshoe Lake
Author:Alan BelfordWaking up in a beautiful place
My friend and I camped along Horseshoe Lake the other weekright along the St. Lawrence-Franklin-Hamilton county lines. Wren and I woke early while it was still dark,...
Tips & tricks: Camp like a pro
For as long as I can remember, I have spent a portion of my summers camping. As a family, we would always go once right when school got out in June, and again before heading back to school in early...