A notable temperature shift has been happening over the last couple of weeks, making many people realize summer is coming to an end! While we may be packing away the beach chairs and getting ready to head back to school, paddling or hiking are fun ways to take in the ever-changing fall foliage, or perhaps you'd enjoy warming up next to a fall campfire. There is still plenty to do in the Adirondacks! We love this season, and we celebrate it the way all good Adirondackers should — with great fun and good food while surrounded by gorgeous foliage!
Fall Festivals
If you are looking to get out of the house, check out some of these great festivals taking place this fall!
Inlet's fall festival
Taking place on September 17-18th, the annual Fall Festival will be held at Fern Park in Inlet. Stop by to get some early Christmas shopping done or to hear the live music! There will be all sorts of live entertainment, food, children's activities, and more. There is also free parking, free admission, and a free shuttle!
Apple Fest
Many people when they think of fall, think of pumpkins. Not me. I can't wait for the fall apples! Fresh-picked apples, apple cider, apple cider donuts, homemade apple pie... the list goes on. The Speculator Pavillion will once again host this year's Apple Fest, presented by the Lake Pleasant Historical Society. On September 24th, stop by to watch a live demonstration of hand pressing cider, check out the kids activities, or browse one of the many vendors selling their goods!
Great Adirondack Moose Festival
The 7th Annual Great Adirondack Moose Festival will take place from September 24-25th in Indian Lake. Try your hand at moose calling, take a hike in hopes of spotting a moose for yourself, and check out some of the many vendors and shops throughout Indian Lake.
The 2nd annual Octo-BEAR-Fest will be hosted once again by Hoss's Country Corner in Long Lake on October 1st. There will be crafters, vendors, live music, food, and more. Come out and show your support. This event is a cancer charity benefit. Last year they were able to raise $5,000!
Adirondack Kids Day
Also taking place on October 1st is Inlet's Adirondack Kids Day! Bring the kids out for a fun fall day, that will be full of great activities. There will be a fishing derby, live animals, activities, and The Utica Zoomobile will even be making an appearance! Get your face painted, then head out for a hike during this activity-packed event.
Adirondack Museum Bicentennial bash 
This year Hamilton County has been celebrating its 200th birthday. Stop by the Adirondack Experience, The Museum on Blue Mountain Lake on the 8th of October to learn about our history from 1816 to the present. Play games, explore the museum, speak to local historians, and more. This event is free to all residents of the Adirondack Park and is included in Museum admission for all others!
Fall is for fun!
While the summer is winding down, the year is not over quite yet. All of these festivals — and even more — are taking place this fall. Make sure to check out our events page for everything taking place. Make your lodging and dining reservations now. Fall is a great time to see the Adirondacks in a different light!