Summer is the time where things happen here in the Adirondacks! It is a great time for hiking, paddling and camping, but if you're looking for something else to do, there is just about always something going on. Our summer season kicks off at the end of June and goes through until Labor Day.
Here is just a small sampling of what is going on this summer! For a full list of events, visit our events page!
Recurring events

Speculator Farmers Market - Every Thursday 2 p.m. - 5 p.m. from 6/23-9/15 at the Speculator Pavilion
Long Lake Farmers Market - Every Thursday 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. 6/30-9/1 at the Mt. Sabattis Lower Parking Lot
Long Lake's Music by the Lake Concert Series - Every Friday, 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. 7/8-8/12 at the Long Lake Town Beach
Inlet Summer Concert Series - Every Saturday 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. in July, 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. in August at Arrowhead Park
Indian Lake Community Farmers Market - Every Saturday 10 a.m/ - 2 p.m. 7/2-9/24 in front of the Indian Lake School
June 4 - Long Lake Kids Fishing Derby Sign up is at the Long Lake Beach and prizes will be awarded (with a special prize for catching the Golden Rainbow Trout!)
June 9-12 - Hamilton County Boreal Birding Festival This four day festival occurs all throughout Hamilton County, with birding walks and hikes, presentations, a scenic cruise on the WW Durant, and a dinner at the Adirondack Hotel.
June 11 - Black Fly Challenge Race in this 40 mile gravel grinder bike race through Adirondack back country. It finishes with an after party in Indian Lake.
June 18 - Long Lake Bass Fishing Derby This Long Lake Fish & Game Club sponsored Bass Tournament has a $25 entrance fee, and cash prizes are awarded.
June 25 - Morehouse Kids Fishing Derby For just $1 you can enter the Morehouse Rod and Gun Club kids fishing derby! All fishing equipment and bait will be provided if needed. Registration includes a t-shirt, hot dog and a soda.

July 1&2 - Piseco Auxiliary Rummage Sale The annual rummage sale will be held Friday from noon to 4pm and Saturday 9am-1pm. Come out and find your newest treasure!
July 2 - Speculator 4th of July Parade and Celebration A parade, food, fun and fireworks! It doesn't get much better than that.
July 2 - Indian Lake Kids Fishing Derby Open and free for all 16 and under, this fishing derby is held at Adirondack Lake and includes all bait and food, plus prizes will be awarded.
July 2 - Indian Lake 4th of July Fireworks Fireworks will be set off at dark to celebrate Independence day!
July 3 - Piseco's 4th of July Fireworks Starting at approximately 9:30 pm, these fireworks will be set off over Piseco Lake near Little Sand Campground.
July 4 - Long Lake's 4th of July Celebration Festivities start at 10am with games for all ages, with more ocuring throughout the day including life music and fireworks!
July 16 - Indian Lake Poker Paddle Similar to a traditional Poker Run but with a twist! Paddle from stop to stop and collect your 5 card poker hand. Prizes are awarded to 1st-5th place.
July 16&17 - Inlet's Arts in the Park Craft Fair Arrowhead Park will be host to the 46th Annual Arts in the Park Craft Fair where you can find handmade goods such as soaps, jewelry, wood products and more.
July 30 - Inlet's Classic Car Cruise Vehicle entry is free and so is spectator admission! Dash plaques, food, raffles and more will be available.
July 30 - Piseco Lake Days This is a brand new event this year being held at the Piseco Community Hall. There will be market vendors, food stalls, shopping, live music, arts and crafts and more!
July 31 - BluMouLA-BuFuRa Race Take a grand paddling tour of Blue Mountain, Eagle and Utowawa Lake for one of three distances: 14, 7 or 1.5 miles.

August 5-7 - Raquette Lake's Durant Days Celebrate the history of Great Camps and historic landmarks in Raquette Lake. There will be fireworks, boat tours, a boat parade and so much more.
August 7 - Long Lake's Heart of the Park Craft Fair This craft fair will be held at the Mt.Sabattis Pavilion where you will be able to find jewelry, fudge, pottery and more. Admission is only $1.
August 11 - TWIGS Annual Craft Fair in Speculator This huge craft fair takes place yearly at the Speculator Pavilion from 9am to 4pm. Get an early jump on your holiday shopping!
August 11-13 - Hoss's Tent Sale in Long Lake Hoss's Country Corner will be having their annual HUGE tent sale, just across the road from their main location.
August 13 - The 5h Annual Oxbow Bass Tournament in Piseco Entry fee for this tournament is $60 per boat (there is a $5 discount if you pre-register!)
August 14 - The Blue Mountain Sizzler 5k This 5k Walk/ Run will also feature a shorter kids race
August 21 - The Gary Rudd Memorial Golf Tournament in Inlet Limited to the first 144 golfers, proceeds from this tournament benefit the Inlet Volunteer Emergency Services.
August 27 - The Lions Club Fly In Pancake Breakfast at the Piseco Airport This one of a kind event boasts planes, pancakes and scrambled eggs! Come out for a bite to eat and hang out for a while to check out all of the different planes.
Our events are always being updated and added to. Make sure to keep checking back so that you don't miss out on anything! And if you haven't done it yet, be sure to make your lodging reservations!